Opportunities for You

We have lots of opportunities available to help you get more traffic, more clicks which means more money.

It also means more traffic, more clicks and more money for us too.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

You’ve probably heard about affiliate and referral programs. And you’ve probably been just as confused about them too.

When we first heard about them we were seriously confused and not sure what to do because it all sounded so complicated.

But when we got past the name and read about it, turns out they aren’t at all complicated.

In fact they’re super easy. You don’t have to do anything once you set up a few things – about 30min – and it doesn’t cost you a thing.

What looks like only a few cents turns into real money and you’re not doing anything. The nerds in the biz call it passive income.

Who cares what you call it right.

Making some extra dollars is making extra dollars, and who doesn’t need some extra cash at this time of year

There are lots of opportunities for you to make your own ‘passive income’.

So you can get up and running faster, Yuka and I wanted to share our tips on Affiliate and Referral Programs.

  1. Find a program you can support or check the sites you’ve got memberships with and see if they have an affiliate or referral program
  2. Set up your socials – X, Facebook, Instagram are the best for promotions
  3. Already got the socials then start promoting the programs you’re supporting!
  4. Set up your post schedule – not too many each hour or you’ll undercut your posts.
  5. Sit back and let the passive income roll in!

Here are a couple of the programs we’re involved with and would appreciate your click.

Support Our Show

Make a contribution and you’ll be helping us to make live shows, pictures and videos that will really sizzle and that you’ll enjoy! 😈🍆

DISCLAIMER: all the people appearing in our photos and videos are adults – we have verified their identification and proof of age. They have provided enthusiastic consent to be involved in our productions, as well as SIGNED A model release. Any concerns should be directed to us immediately here.