Affiliate Program

Join our Affiliate Program and become a Knight for The Beauty The Beast TV!

Joining our Affiliate Program – The Beauty The Beast Knights – means you are helping an independent couple who enjoy each other in every possible way maximise our reach and give those with discerning taste the chance to enjoy a range of adult digital content and physical products.

We have partnered with SendOwl to deliver our affiliate program because of their experience, technical capacity, and ability to provide quality on-boarding to support you, our Knights.

As an affiliate – one of our Knights – every sale you help secure results in commissions, there are exceptions which are below.

You earn 10% commission on every sale, not just the first or the last sale. Every. Sale. Equals. Commission!

On request we will provide information on our content offering as well as imagery that is safe to use across a range of social media networks.

We want to help you reach more people because that helps us.

We’re also open to altering some elements should it assist our Knights in reaching more people. So if you have a suggestion about a change that will help you, and possibly other Knights then let us know.

Payouts are every 2 weeks after completed sales to avoid problems with refunds, and charge-backs. We have done this to protect your commissions as any successful refunds and charge-backs cancels out your commission(s).

Cookies are valid for 6 months – you will not receive commissions on sales using out-of-date cookies. But we will send reminders about cookies expiring so you don’t use old cookies and can continue to earn commissions.

Sign up and become a Knight today!

We will let you know about new digital products and content before launching them. You will also be supplied with information and imagery. You will be told about any changes to existing products and content.

As a Knight:

  • You are not to claim to be the owners of any content, copyright, trademarks or physical goods and products produced by The Beauty The Beast TV.
  • You will not misrepresent The Beauty The Beast TV brand, its owners or its suppliers or its customers.
  • You will not alter logos, imagery or descriptions of content or products produced by The Beauty The Beast TV.
  • You cannot offer discounts on any goods and/or content, digital or physical, that are larger than discounts that may already be on offer.
  • You are not authorized to offer any discounts on any goods and/or content, digital or physical.

Start earning today and become a The Beauty The Beast Knight!

If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch with us.

DISCLAIMER: all the people appearing in our photos and videos are adults – we have verified their identification and proof of age. They have provided enthusiastic consent to be involved in our productions, as well as SIGNED A model release. Any concerns should be directed to us immediately here.