Get our Tees!

We stumbled upon a local supplier that’s not afraid of adult content.

We were stunned and Yuka actually had to ask if they were serious! And they were 100% serious.

Our efforts to find apparel suppliers would go okay until we mentioned we were adult content creators. At that point, we would get ghosted, or that look of disgust or the look with an attempted lecture about our moral compass.

(We never allow those lectures and always cut them off before they really get on the high horse)

But yay for finding a supplier that’s not a prude!

We’re working out a deal. XXXmas means we probably won’t be able to get a final deal until early-January. It won’t stop us telling you what we’re discussing though!

We’re looking to start off with unisex tees in 2 or 3 colors. It’s limited but best to start small right. Plus we’re not internet millionaires yet.

The colors will hopefully work for our designs but if there are some ugly clashes we can easily change the design. Yuka will spot the clashes way before any one else and we don’t want to be selling ugly tees!

She’ll know how to fix the design colors too. No one needs more ugly tees! The tees will be quality and our aim is for 100% cotton so it breathes better and stays comfy all year-round.

We already have a bunch of designs ready to go to get them rolling off the tee shirt presses when you order them.

Here’s one of our designs

tee shirt mock up with a slogan on it
A classic message!

Keep your eyes peeled for when you can get our tees!

Irontech Doll logo

DISCLAIMER: all the people appearing in our photos and videos are adults – we have verified their identification and proof of age. They have provided enthusiastic consent to be involved in our productions, as well as SIGNED A model release. Any concerns should be directed to us immediately here.