Tag: TheBeast

  • Free Downloads

    We love our subscribers, our regular live show visitors and contributors. To show our appreciation we have FREE DOWNLOADS!

  • 3 Ways to Keep Your Love Life Exciting

    Is your love life stale, a bit boring? We give you 3 ways to keep things spicy.

  • How to Eat Oysters

    Oysters are a special treat. A delicacy. Everyone should be eating oysters. But with all delicacies there are ways of eating them.

  • 3 Tips for Looking after your Sex Toys

    Your sex toys add some extra fun but you have to take care of them. It’s not so fun if you find they don’t work or got moldy! So here are our 3 tips for looking after your sex toys.


    To enjoy Axelโ€™s birth month discounts here are the discount codes to use at check out: The discount runs from 10 June to 21 June. Support Our Content Make a contribution and you’ll be helping us to make live shows, pictures and videos that will really sizzle and that you’ll enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ†